Clinical Results

A clinical trial was conducted by an award winning research specialis with Patients implementing TRANSFORMATIONS’ diet & treatment programs over a period of 10 weeks during 2010 & 2011.

Read Clinical Results

Clinical Results Charts

Avg. = 27.3 Lbs. Lost
Avg. = 10.6% BMI Reduction

Avg. = 18.6 Inches lost
(7 body measurements)
Avg. = 6.4% Loss in Body Fat

Avg. = 20.4% Cholesterol Reduction

Avg. = 40% Triglycerides Reduction
Avg. = 19.4% Fasting Blood Sugar Reduction

Avg. = 30 pts. Blood Pressure Reduction

TRANSFORMATIONS 360 Clinical Results Profiles

Wellness Markers

Female, age 64
“I had stopped playing with my Grandkids. I knew I had to do something about my weight and had tried many programs without success as I always put the weight back on and more. TRANSFORMATIONS 360 balanced my body chemistry; normalized unhealthy markers and the pounds came off and stayed off. Knowing my health markers and improving the un-healthy ones was key…I improved my Triglycerides score by 60.3% and I now see my Grandkids and once in a while can wear them out.”
Male, age 50
“I felt sluggish and couldn’t do the things I once did, in just 51 days with the TRANSFORMATIONS 360, I improved all my wellness markers, lost 22 inches and 31 lbs. and I feel great again. I am now empowered to maintain my new healthy lifestyle; the best news is, I am back playing golf & hitting the ball 20 yards longer."

Weight Loss

Male, age 60
“I had to go to pants with the expandable waist line and was unhappy with the fat that had built up over the past 10 years, I lost 12 inches on my waist and had the pleasure of buying smaller new belts. I am as active as I was 20 years ago & have great energy.”
Male, age 48
“Over the years my body had become pear-shaped and I was pre-diabetic and didn’t know it. With TRANSFORMATIONS 360 I lost 32 inches and 27 lbs. in less than 80 days…all my health markers improved. I am not embarrassed to go outside & enjoy wearing the cloths from the skinny side of my closet.”

Elevated Blood Sugar

Female, age 60
“I had heard how serious Diabetes can be & knew I was headed in the wrong health direction. I was pre-diabetic and didn’t know it; although my blood sugar was mild, but it was not as severe as my Triglycerides score was very high. In just 50 days on the TRANSFORMATIONS 360 I dropped my blood sugar 42% and my Triglycerides by almost 50%. I now know the correct food choices for me. I am in control and will never become pre-diabetic again.”
Male, age 36
“I had really let myself go after college days and found the TRANSFORMATIONS 360 System of measuring and marking my health score to be just the ticket for my goal setting motivational style. In less than 3 months I lost 40 lbs. improved all my markers and lost 15.25 inches. I am back at my college weight & beating the younger guys at the club in racket ball.”
Male, age 48
“As I grew older, I didn’t exercise as much and got into some bad food habits. I had gained 25 pounds and felt slugish. I was pre-diabetic and didn’t know it. With TRANSFORMATIONS 360 I lost 32 inches and 27 pounds. I feel great and I am back exercising again and I took my fiance sailing and wasn’t embarrassed wearing my shorts.”

Nutritional Deficiencies

Female, age 59
“I have tried every possible weight program; pinpointing my issues with nutrition solved why I was unsuccessful before and I lost 30 lbs. in a couple of months. Realizing it was not my fault I couldn’t lose weight was a huge relief & motivated me to win my weight battle.”

Food Allergy Sensitivities

Male, age 47
“I knew I had bad food habits, but didn’t know I had food allergies and liver issues that were preventing me from losing weight. Once I figured it out; I lost almost 50 lbs. over a 4 month period. I am now less than 180 lbs. and I am rock climbing again.”
Female, age 60
“I felt like my life had slowed down to a crawl I had no energy. I was not aware I had problems with my Thyroid, plus I was pre-diabetic and didn’t know it. Once I got that in control my Cholesterol dropped 30% and Triglycerides 40%. My energy is back and I am enjoying going to my grandkids soccer games.”

Food Allergy & Sensitivities

Female, age 33
“I had sleep apnea and hated the hassle of the machine at night to sleep. I knew I had to lose weight to see if I could get a normal nights rest. Within two months I lost over 30 lbs. and I was able to stop using the equipment to get sleep. The weight loss was great but not having the equipment at bed-side is fantastic.”


Female, age 44
“I had gained weight over the years & was on Lipitor to control my Cholesterol. I had read about the side effects of Statin Drugs and was concerned. In just 60 days is was able to stop taking my medication as my cholesterol dropped 18% and I feel better with more energy. I no longer worry about the side effects of meds.”
Female, age 58
“I had gotten so bad I was confined to a wheel chair and was on higher doses of medication for diabetes. It has taken 4 months but, I am now walking again and off my meds.”


Male, age 47
“Over the years in the entertainment industry, I was used to the good life, gained weight and was unhealthy. I figured out the food habits and the lifestyle for me and my work; that I am able to stick with and lost 47 lbs. and have kept them off for over two years now. I am back in the game to stay."
Male, age 39
“I had become a middle aged fat guy me and my buddies used to joke about. I knew that before 40 I was going to have to change my lifestyle in food choices. I found the TRANSFORMATIONS 360 to be the only program that showed me the correct food habits that I could live with and sustain for a healthy life.”

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