Weight Loss

Patient Profile

Patient #260756; male, age 60, diagnosed as pre-diabetic, as overweight and abnormal amount of belly fat; over a 120 day period, lost 36 lbs. and 12 inches from waist line; lost 16.4% of total body weight, reduced BMI by 18.7%, reduced blood pressure measurements by 13.2%, dropped blood sugar (Glucose) by 7.1% and A1c test for average level of blood sugar showed improvement of 5.0% after 90 days

“I had to go to pants with the expandable waist line and was unhappy with the fat that had built up over the past 10 years, I lost 12 inches on my waist and had the pleasure of buying smaller new belts. I am as active as I was 20 years ago & have great energy.”
Male, age 60

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