Patient Profile
Patient #305429; female, age 33, diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, unhealthy markers, overweight, over a 55 day period able to sleep normally without aid of mechanical device, lost 34 lbs. and 18 inches over 7 body measurements. Lost 17.2% of body weight, lost 9.1% BMI, lost 17.3% body fat, blood pressure loss of 9.8% Systolic and 5.1% Diastolic.
“I had sleep apnea and hated the hassle of the machine at night to sleep. I knew I had to lose weight to see if I could get a normal nights rest. Within two months I lost over 30 lbs. and I was able to stop using the equipment to get sleep. The weight loss was great but not having the equipment at bed-side is fantastic.”
Female, age 33